Last Updated: Before 30 days ago
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Escaping into a moment with another is the ultimate restoration. With you, I’m aligned with my center of being, flowing vibrations of warm energy around one another. Gallivanting together, exploring both familiar and unacquainted places, we tantalize our senses with curiosity and compassion. There’s a surge of energy when our eyes meet; an unspoken communication that we’re here to savor the moment, view life through rose hued lenses, reflections of extraordinary visions stimulating our imagination. You’re ready to feel something. I’m here to acknowledge your desire for more. Maybe you just want the company, more excitement, or perhaps a plethora of things have brought you here. Whatever has compelled you, I welcome you to joinme. Wherever we go, whatever we do, we’ll have a lasting evocation of a profound connection exclusive to us, and us only. |